
Understanding Millennial makeup trends: A guide for beauty brands

by Goreta Bošković

Millennials, born between 1980 and 1997, often appear younger than Gen Z, thanks to various factors. Improved skin care knowledge, healthier diets, and advancements in beauty products have allowed this generation to maintain a more youthful look. 

While Gen Z is exposed early to a wide range of products and fast-changing trends, millennials adopted effective skincare routines in their late teens and 20s, helping them prevent premature aging. 

Additionally, millennials invest more in quality skincare, benefiting from the first wave of advanced products and holistic self-care. As a result, their balanced approach to beauty has given them an edge in preserving a youthful appearance. 

So, how can you connect with them and successfully leverage this for your brand? Find out below!

We’ll delve into millennial beauty preferences, explore the latest trends, and examine how technology plays a crucial role in their beauty routines. 

Millennial beauty consumer insights

How Millennials are redefining the beauty industry

Millennials have grown up in a digital age where technology and social media shape their lives and preferences. They are transforming the beauty market with their tech-savvy nature and unique taste

They prioritize digital experiences, inclusivity, and sustainability, favoring natural looks, eco-friendly products, and innovations like virtual try-ons and AI-driven recommendations. Their ease with online shopping and trust in social media influencers make platforms like Instagram pivotal to their millennial makeup decisions. Additionally, they support ethical, sustainable makeup brands that use vegan formulas and eco-friendly packaging. 


In essence, millennials are redefining beauty standards and trends. Brands that adapt to their evolving beauty preferences will better engage with this influential generation and thrive in the fast-changing market. 

Millennials are leading the online beauty market

In the second quarter of 2023, a survey revealed that millennials were the most significant global online beauty shoppers, comprising 48 percent of the market. Gen Z followed, with 35 percent purchasing their beauty products online. But what do millennials shop for the most, and where? 

Millennials generally stick to products they trust, are familiar with, and have tried before. Female millennials are exceptionally loyal to their favorite makeup brands, with nearly 7 out of 10 (68 percent) stating that even in a tough economy, they would choose their preferred brands over cheaper alternatives.

However, they are also open to trying new things. In the US market, 97% are likely to purchase a new beauty product, and 75% shop on specialized beauty retailer websites (such as sephora.com). 

This generation often chooses beauty products that align with their values and ideals. Specifically, research shows that 80% expect beauty products to be clean, 51% prefer them to be vegan, and 42% want them to be owned by Black individuals.

Natural look

Many millennials prefer a natural, minimalist makeup style, often called the “no-makeup” look. This trend focuses on subtle enhancements and skincare. Glossier has successfully embraced this with its “skin first, makeup second” approach, driving its revenue growth, mainly from millennials. Their products emphasize skin health, allowing makeup to enhance rather than cover up natural beauty.


Sustainability and clean beauty

Millennials are leading the clean beauty movement, driven by their dedication to sustainability, ethical practices, and personal health. This generation actively seeks makeup brands that offer non-toxic, vegan formulas and eco-friendly packaging, prioritizing products that align with their values. 


But the growing demand for clean beauty isn’t just a trend – it’s a powerful shift influencing the entire industry. The clean beauty market is expected to reach an estimated value of $15.3 billion by 2028, highlighting how crucial it is for brands to embrace this direction. As brands increasingly align with these principles, those that prioritize clean beauty will capture millennial consumers’ loyalty and help shape a greener future for the beauty industry. 

Tech-driven solutions

Millennials are the first to grow up with smartphones and social media, seamlessly integrating technology into their daily lives. As a tech-savvy group, they value innovations that enhance their shopping experiences. Virtual try-ons, augmented reality (AR) features and AI-driven recommendations have become integral to their beauty routines, offering personalized experiences and helping them make informed purchasing decisions. 

online product recommendation system in beauty_Arbelle

Social media influence

Social media platforms, especially Instagram, shape millennial makeup trends. Influencers and beauty bloggers provide inspiration and recommendations that significantly impact purchasing decisions. 


For example, the Croatian brand L’Adria gained popularity through influencer endorsements, while Catrice and Essence captured millennial attention with successful campaigns and events. Despite their lower prices (Catrice and Essence), these makeup brands have gained traction among millennials thanks to positive reviews and effective marketing. 

What’s in it for your beauty brand? How can you connect with and leverage Millennial consumers?

As beauty trends evolve with tech, integrating AR has become crucial. Arbelle, developed through years of collaboration with leading cosmetic brands, leverages advanced face AI and virtual makeup features to enhance product discovery and sales. 

With over two decades of AI and AR expertise, Arbelle delivers engaging, sustainable, and inclusive digital experiences. Our virtual makeup solution offers realistic try-ons and an AI-powered foundation shade finder, catering to millennial demands for personalized beauty solutions. 

Arbelle’s technology boosts engagement, loyalty, and sales, positioning cosmetic brands for success in a competitive market. Here is what beauty brands can gain:

  • Enhanced engagement: Arbelle’s virtual makeup try-on and AI-powered shade finder provide personalized, engaging shopping experiences that resonate with tech-savvy millennials. Customers can try different looks quickly, boosting satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Boosted sales: Personalized recommendations and virtual try-ons boost conversion rates and sales. Customers will purchase more when interactive and convenient beauty experiences are tailored to their needs
  • Sustainability and inclusivity: Arbelle supports diverse skin tones with its Monk Skin Tone Scale and emphasizes ethical practices, aligning with millennial values of inclusivity and sustainability. 
  • Competitive edge: By integrating Arbelle’s solutions, makeup brands can be trendy and meet the growing demands of millennial consumers, ensuring long-term success in a competitive market. 

Your tech solution to Millennial beauty demands

Millennials, having grown up in the digital age, seamlessly integrate technology into all aspects of their lives, including beauty preferences. They value natural looks, diversity, and sustainability, primarily influenced by social media platforms like Instagram. As the leading generation in online shopping, they prioritize sustainable values. 

Arbelle’s beauty tech solutions align perfectly with these millennial makeup trends. Our AI-powered virtual try-on and Shade Finder offer personalized, engaging shopping experiences. This focus on sustainability and inclusivity makes Arbelle ideal for makeup brands, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in a dynamic market. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and discover how our cutting-edge beauty tech solutions can empower your brand to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

Tap into Millennial trends with Arbelle

Leverage Arbelle’s beauty AR and AI technology to tap into the powerful Millennial market and see your brand thrive.