
How AI face shape identifier replaces the traditional face shapes test


Determining one’s face shape has traditionally involved manual assessments or answering lengthy surveys. These not only demand time but with them, you also risk losing customer interest.

So, by recognizing this point of friction, forward-thinking beauty and cosmetic brands are now turning to AI face shape identifiers.

These advanced tools not only streamline the face shape identification process but make it a delightful experience for users.

In this article, therefore, we explore in more detail how these tools surpass the older methods in efficiency and accuracy.

Moreover, we look into why beauty and cosmetic brands are increasingly opting for AI technologies and how this enhances their customer experience.

Does your brand really need a face shape identifier?

First thighs first – is face shape identification a true necessity for your beauty brand? In a word – yes.

AI face shape identifiers are not just a technological novelty; they are a strategic tool that responds to the increasing demand for personalized beauty solutions

And in today’s digital-first world, personalization is the cornerstone of consumer satisfaction and brand loyalty in the beauty industry.

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Here’s why incorporating this technology is essential for brands:

⦿ Driving consumer engagement 

AI face shape identifiers enable brands to engage consumers with highly personalized product recommendations. This personalized approach not only captures attention but also encourages longer interaction times with the brand, increasing the likelihood of sales.

⦿ Enhancing product relevance 

The accuracy with which AI can analyze facial features allows beauty brands to suggest products that are not just generally popular but specifically suitable for each customer. Whether it’s recommending the perfect style, makeup pattern, or the most flattering foundation, these precise suggestions ensure that every product a consumer encounters feels specially curated for them.

⦿ Streamlining customer experience 

AI face shape identifiers simplify the customer journey by removing guesswork and reducing the steps to purchase. By quickly identifying the customer’s face shape and immediately suggesting relevant products, brands can significantly decrease decision fatigue, a common barrier in cosmetics shopping.

⦿ Gathering valuable insights

Every interaction with an AI face shape identifier generates data that can be incredibly valuable for a brand. This data isn’t just about face shapes; it encompasses consumer preferences, behaviors, and trends. Such insights can drive future product development and marketing strategies, and even influence in-store experiences.

⦿ Building brand loyalty

In a market flooded with options, brands that offer personalized experiences stand out. And consumers are more likely to return to a brand that consistently meets their individual needs in a meaningful way. For example, customizing offers based on specific shapes and styles that fit them or providing educational tutorials based on face shapes.

Now, let’s see what type of solution to implement and how traditional face shapes tests compare to the AI face shape identifier.

The traditional face shapes test

Before the integration of advanced technology, determining a person’s face shape involved a subjective and often imprecise process.

The conventional methods primarily involved two approaches:

  • self-assessment through a series of questions in a face shape quiz
  • visual comparison against standard diagrams in a face shape test

These methods require the individual to make judgments about their features, which can lead to inaccuracies due to the subjective nature of self-assessment and the limited options provided by quizzes.

➥ Challenges of self-assessment

Self-assessment, which formed the core of many traditional face shape tests, required individuals to judge their own facial features against predefined categories such as “oval,” “square,” “round,” or “heart.”

This method hinges on one’s perception of their own features, which can be significantly influenced by personal bias or misunderstanding of the categories themselves. For example, a person might see their jaw as more angled than it actually is, leading them to categorize their face shape incorrectly.


➥ Limitations of visual comparisons

Visual comparison methods have not been much better in terms of reliability. These tests provided users with diagrams or images representing different face shapes, asking them to identify which shape most closely resembled their own.

This method often resulted in inaccuracies due to the oversimplified nature of the diagrams, which could not capture the unique subtleties of individual facial structures. Moreover, such comparisons assume that every individual has the ability to objectively analyze facial features, which is rarely the case.

➥ Statistical insights

Although specific statistics on the inaccuracies of traditional face shape tests are scarce, studies in related fields suggest significant variability in self-assessment accuracy.

For instance, research in self-perceived body image shows that individuals often have a distorted perception of their own physical characteristics, which can similarly apply to facial feature recognition.

The resulting need for better face shape identifier methods

The subjective nature and limited options provided by traditional quizzes and diagrams often left users confused and dissatisfied, highlighting the need for more precise and user-friendly alternatives.

This gap in satisfaction and accuracy paved the way for the development of AI-driven tools, which offer a more objective, inclusive, and precise approach to face shape identification.

Emergence of AI face shape identifier

With the integration of AI technology, the face shape identifier has transformed the way people understand their facial dimensions. These AI systems use complex algorithms and facial analysis technologies to analyze facial features with precision.

By simply uploading a photo or using a live camera feed, AI can quickly determine the face shape by measuring distances and angles between key facial points, ensuring a highly accurate identification process.

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In other words, AI face shape identifiers employ machine learning algorithms that have been trained on a diverse dataset of facial images. These algorithms analyze key points around the forehead, cheekbones, jawline, and chin to accurately classify the face shape within seconds.

And what’s significant about this method is that it eliminates human error and the biases often associated with traditional tests.

Why choose AI over traditional methods?

1. Accuracy and precision

AI technologies provide more accurate and precise measurements than manual or quiz-based methods. How? By automating the analysis, AI eliminates the subjectivity involved in traditional face shapes tests. And this precision is crucial for cosmetic brands aiming to offer personalized advice and products tailored to individual facial features.

2. Time efficiency

What once took minutes (or more) — answering quizzes, measuring face parts manually, comparing faces to photos — now takes seconds with AI. This instant analysis not only saves time for the consumer but also enhances the efficiency of cosmetic brands in delivering personalized recommendations.

3. Enhanced user experience

AI-powered tools streamline the user experience, making it more engaging and less prone to errors. Users enjoy the simplicity of taking a selfie or activating their camera and receiving immediate results. And in turn, this boosts their confidence in the cosmetic brands employing these advanced technologies.

4. Personalized recommendations

Beyond just identifying face shape, AI can analyze skin tone, facial features, and other elements to recommend personalized cosmetic products and styles. This level of customization was not feasible with traditional methods and represents a significant value-add for both users and brands.

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5. Scalability and integration

AI systems can easily be integrated into mobile apps and websites, allowing brands to scale their operations and reach a broader audience. This accessibility makes it easier for users to engage with the brand’s services from anywhere, at any time.

The importance and impact of understanding face shapes

Recognizing the significance of face shape is crucial for making informed style decisions that can greatly enhance a customer’s appearance.

Each face shape—be it round, square, heart, or any other—has its own set of guidelines that dictate the most flattering hairstyles, makeup applications, and eyewear choices.


By understanding these nuances, brands can offer tailored advice that highlights a person’s best features.

Moreover, it’s important to note that a person’s face shape is not static. Factors such as aging and changes in weight can alter facial contours over time, making periodic reassessment of face shape essential.

This dynamic aspect ensures that beauty recommendations remain relevant and attuned to the individual’s current appearance.

Integrating face shape into your virtual try-on

As the beauty industry embraces digital transformation, virtual try-on technologies have become a game-changer for online shopping experiences. Integrating AI face shape identifiers with these technologies enhances the effectiveness of virtual try-ons, providing a more accurate and satisfying shopping experience.

With the face shape data, virtual try-on systems can go beyond just showing how a product looks and actively suggest the most flattering products

So, by providing a more accurate representation of how products will look and suggesting items that are likely to be flattering, brands can significantly enhance user satisfaction and confidence in their purchases.

This synergy between face shape identification and virtual try-on technologies not only enriches the customer experience but also empowers brands to deliver service that is precise, personalized, and aligned with consumer expectations. 

Moreover, this integration is a perfect example of how technology can be used to bridge the gap between online shopping and a personalized in-store experience.

Explore what AI face shape identifier can do for you

The replacement of traditional face shapes tests with AI face shape identifiers marks a significant advancement in the beauty and cosmetics industry.

By incorporating AI technology, brands can offer customers a quick, accurate, and engaging way to understand their unique facial features.

This shift not only removes the cumbersome task of manual measurements and vague quizzes but also provides a platform for brands to enhance customer interaction and satisfaction.

Therefore, by using AI-powered identifiers, businesses can ensure a smoother, more user-friendly service that keeps customers engaged and more likely to explore further personalized products and services.

Ready to redefine beauty personalization? Implement AI face shape technology in your offerings and see firsthand how it can refine customer experience and foster deeper brand loyalty. Contact us today and we’ll help!

Integrate AI into your business

Contact us today to find out more about AI face shapes and what this technology can do for your business.