
The future of AI in beauty


In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been nothing short of revolutionary for a plethora of industries.

And among them, the beauty industry, ever at the forefront of innovation, has seen great enhancement through AI applications.

With the valuation of AI in beauty projected to soar to $6.8 billion in 2027, it’s time we delve deeper into this compelling union of technology and aesthetics.

Current landscape: AI in beauty

Artificial intelligence has swiftly woven its way into the fabric of the beauty industry, redefining the consumer experience.

While AI’s application in various industries has seen steady growth, its interplay with beauty is particularly striking. PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study revealed that AI could contribute an additional $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Of this, a significant fraction is expected to come out of retail sectors, including beauty.

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Today’s consumers, particularly Gen Z and millennials, are digitally savvy, demanding more immersive and personalized experiences. Recognizing this, beauty brands have raced to incorporate AI into their strategies.

The numbers also paint a bright picture: a study revealed that the global AI in the beauty industry market was valued at $2.68 billion in 2022. And it’s predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.4% from 2022 to 2027.

Such great growth isn’t merely due to the novelty factor but is backed by tangible benefits. For instance, AI-driven personalized recommendations can result in increased sales and brand loyalty. A study conducted by McKinsey & Company shows that 76% of consumers are more likely to purchase when provided with personalized recommendations, and 78% are more likely to re-purchase, as well as recommend your company to friends and family

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In essence, the current landscape isn’t just about AI in beauty—it’s about an industry being revolutionized, driven by consumer demands, technological prowess, and a desire for innovation. The seamless blend of AI with beauty is undoubtedly more than just a fleeting trend; it’s a transformative journey that promises to make the beauty experience richer, more personalized, and deeply interactive.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the main applications of AI in the beauty industry, and explore what the future holds for it.

Virtual makeup try-ons: The new norm

The incorporation of AI in the beauty industry isn’t new. For a few years now, consumers have enjoyed the luxury of virtual make-up try-ons, allowing them to preview and experiment with products before making a purchase.

But what is new is the level of realism we can achieve today. As a first-grade virtual makeup simulator, Arbelle has revolutionized the way customers try on makeup. From customizing the textures, colors, and finishes, through combining all kinds of products on various parts of the face, to creating complete makeup looks, Arbelle does it all! And with such precision and realism that it feels as if you’re looking in a mirror


Gone are the days of messy swatch tests or buying the wrong shade of foundation. AI-backed applications have taken the guesswork out of the equation, offering users a glimpse into how a product would look on them, right from the comfort of their homes.

And these virtual try-ons have really been a game-changer.

The integration of AI and augmented reality (AR) allows users to “wear” products virtually, offering a realistic portrayal of how a makeup product might appear on them.

And what’s important ultimately is that this technology does not just ensure higher consumer satisfaction but also significantly reduces product returns – by up to 64%! And in most cases, also increases sales. Tarte Cosmetics, for example, saw a huge, 200% increase in sales after introducing a virtual try-on. It is, therefore, a win-win for both brands and consumers.

Arbelle by Visage Technologies is undoubtedly at the cutting edge of AI in beauty. It is a powerful virtual makeup try-on with an extremely fast and precise tracker that detects over 100 facial points. This is what ensures the perfect AR makeup fit in real time, creating a mirror-like experience for your users.

Here, you can see it in action:

And to try it for yourself and experience the ultra-realistic virtual makeup, click the button below.

AI-driven skin tone analysis

Advanced AI algorithms are transforming the beauty shopping realm with precise skin tone analysis, detecting nuances like undertones. This tech leap allows brands to provide personalized makeup suggestions, eliminating guesswork and empowering customers to embrace and enhance their natural beauty.

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And we’re very proud that the exciting feature of skin tone estimation is also coming soon to Arbelle! This feature will allow your customers to understand their skin tone better and receive product recommendations that complement it.


➥ Read all about it in our detailed virtual foundation shade finder guide right here.

In an industry where one shade doesn’t fit all, such tailored suggestions can be game-changing for individual, personalized beauty needs.

Decoding your face: The face shape detector

In the past, discovering products tailored to one’s face shape meant trudging through tedious surveys, leading many customers to abandon their shopping quests out of sheer impatience.

However, the dawn of AI-powered face shape detectors has revolutionized this journey. With a quick analysis of facial features, these smart algorithms swiftly pinpoint a customer’s face shape, paving the way for streamlined product choices and personalized recommendations.

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And as understanding one’s face shape is pivotal in making informed beauty and cosmetic choicesArbelle will also soon introduce a face shape detector. We’re continually committed to elevating user experience and making the future of shopping not only intelligent but also delightfully efficient and personalized!

Phygital beauty: Merging the best of both worlds

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In the age of digital transformation, the beauty industry is not just about physical stores or online platforms – it’s about creating a ‘phygital’ experience. This approach seamlessly integrates online and offline experiences, allowing consumers to enjoy the tactile experience of physical shopping while benefiting from the convenience and personalization of digital tools, such as virtual makeup try-ons.

Emerging technologies and the future of AI in beauty

The fusion of AI and beauty goes beyond virtual try-ons and personalized product recommendations. As we stand on the precipice of new technological advancements, the beauty sector’s scope and horizon are broadening at a pace previously unimagined.

Let’s explore some of the trailblazing technologies and the prospective future they promise for the world of AI in beauty.

➥ Generative AI: The pioneering wave in beauty

When we discuss emerging technologies, generative AI cannot be overlooked. But what is generative AI? In essence, it’s a type of AI that can create content from scratch, be it images, sounds, or even textual narratives.

And in the realm of beauty, generative AI also is – or will become – a very significant tool. Basically, this technology should have the capability to analyze skin images and then assess its condition, detect specific concerns, and offer tailored skincare regimens. In addition, it could also show the potential long-term skin benefits from using specific skincare products.

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So, for companies that integrate this feature into their consumer experience, AI can continuously learn and adapt its recommendations based on user feedback and emerging beauty trends.

➥ AI-driven sustainable beauty

With an increasing emphasis on sustainability, AI is gearing up to guide consumers towards more eco-friendly choices. In addition to making product packaging more environmentally friendly, reducing the number and size of the packaging, and turning to virtual try-ons as an alternative to physical testers, AI is leading the industry a step further.

Using extensive databases on ingredients, AI is revolutionizing the beauty industry by suggesting sustainable product formulations. AI-powered algorithms can analyze the environmental impact of a product’s ingredients and suggest more eco-friendly alternatives. This ultimately helps brands craft products that are kinder to our planet.

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➥ 3D printing and formulation

In a world seeking bespoke experiences, why should beauty products lag? AI-driven 3D printers are on the horizon, which can concoct personalized makeup products right in front of consumers. Based on skin analysis, these machines might soon provide tailor-made lipsticks, eyeshadows, or even skincare serums – ensuring the product is as unique as the individual.

One such example is Mink, which introduced the world’s first 3D makeup printer. This innovation has not only personalized makeup to match individual personalities but also transformed consumers into their own makeup creators.

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Photo credit: Mink.

The future of AI in beauty is looking bright

We can see that the horizon of AI in beauty is both radiant and expansive. And with trailblazing companies and technologies like Arbelle at the helm, the future of beauty is no longer just about aesthetics – it’s about intuitive, personalized, and immersive experiences.

The advent of such personalized technology challenges traditional beauty industry norms, pushing brands to reconsider their approach to product diversity and customization

As consumers gain more agency in crafting their makeup experiences, it underscores the industry’s evolving landscape towards more user-centric solutions.

And as technology continues to evolve, one can only imagine the beauty marvels that await us in the decades to come.

If you, too, want to be part of these marvels, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and see what we can do for you!

Get started with AI

Ready to redefine your brand’s beauty journey with cutting-edge AI? Connect with us today, and let’s shape the future of beauty, together!